Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Maulasar (Nagour-II ) is an extension based agricultural institute established by the ICAR under the jurisdiction of Agriculture University, Jodhpur, to promote farmers for adoption of recent technical know how in agriculture and allied fields. The kendra was established on 2012 at village Maulasar which is 120 km away from district head quarter on Dhankoli Dabda road with the acquisition of 20.0 ha land. The activities of this Kendra are being planned and executed under the technical and administrative support of Directorate of Extension Education, AU, Jodhpur. The goal of KVK is to have sustainable growth in productivity and income of agriculture and allied sectors which can be obtained by bridging the time lag between technology generation at the research institution and its transfer to the farmer’s field. Krishi Vigyan Kendra has multidisciplinary team of scientists who work enthusiastically in missionary spirit for under taking vocational training for farmers, farm women, rural youths and extension functionaries to update them with recent and proven agricultural research. KVK also involves in assessment and refinement of technology through on farm testing and front line demonstrations.
Year of Start |
2012(sanctioned on 31st March 12) |
Institutional area |
Construction work of Administrative building along with farmer hostel is completed |
Farm land |
20.0 ha |
Farm Power, farm machines and equipment and irrigation infrastructure |
Tractor-01, Bolero jeep-1 along with trolley, Disc plough-1,
Cultivator 1,
Levellar-1 |
Any other important facility |
KVK was sanctioned in March 2012 and funds for infra-structure development will be released in fin. Year 2016-17 by ICAR New Delhi as per the information from Director, ATARI Jodhpur. |
Adoption of ICAR Norms and deviations, if any |
Yes |
Staff of Krishi Vigyan Kendra
S.No. |
Name |
Designation |
1 |
Dr. Arjun Singh Jat |
Senior Scientist & Head |
2 |
Dr. Dheeraj Kumar Bagri |
Subject Matter Specialist (Animal Husbandry) |
3 |
Dr. Anop Kumari |
Subject Matter Specialist (Horticulture) |
4 |
Dr. Manmohan Puniya |
Subject Matter Specialist (Agronomy) |
5 |
Dr. (Mrs.) Mamta Devi Choudhary |
Subject Matter Specialist (Plant Protection) |
6 |
Dr. L. R. Choudhary |
Subject Matter Specialist (Extension Education) |
7 |
Miss Pushpa Kumawat |
Program Assistant (Lab Technicain) |
8 |
Sh. Surendra Choudhary |
Stenographer Grade-III |
9 |
Shri Jeetu Singh |
Driver |
10 |
Shri Harlal |
Class –IV |