Krishi Vigyan Kendra Athiyasan Nagaur-I

KVK Nagaur 1  Agriculture University, Jodhpur

The socio-economic and technological profile of agriculture in the area of responsibility of the Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Athiyasan, Nagaur-I is administrative control of Agriculture University, Jodhpur established in the September 1992. The KVK is an innovative transfer of technology project is responsible for identifying and developing new technologies, according to local need and potential to increase the agriculture production and provide the basis for agro-based agriculture development, so as to increase per unit production under Crops, Livestock production, Dairy, Horticulture and allied Agriculture enterprises and ultimate to help the farmers in improving their living standard. The instructional farm area of KVK is about 20 ha.

Major Achievements of Krishi Vigyan Kendra Athiyasan Nagaur-I (2015-16 to 2020-21)


  • KVK is situated at Village Athiyasan on Ajmer road 7 km away from District Headquarter and linked with National Highway 89 KVK Nagaur location  Agriculture University, Jodhpur Operational area of this KVK encompasses 7 Blocks namely Nagaur, Mundwa, Merta, Khinvsar, Riyanbadi, Ladnu&Jayal.

Thrust Areas:-

  • Agricultural Production as prime goal.
  • Increasing Crop Production through improved agriculture techniques
  • Sustainable Crop Production through Integrated Nutrient Management
  • Popularization of Hi-Tech Horticulture
  • Increasing area under dry land and horticulture crops
  • Integrated Pest Management in Crops and Vegetables
  • Water harvesting & water management techniques
  • Production and distribution of quality seed & planting material
  • Increasing productivity of Dairy Animals through Breeding, Feeding & Health Management
  • Diversification through horticultural and medicinal crops
  • Value addition & post harvest technology of agro and milk products
  • Women empowerment through self help groups & income generating activities
  • Popularization of organic farming for sustainable agriculture
  • Popularizing of back yard poultry farming and goatry among weaker section
  • Reclamation of problematic soils through use of soil amendments

Year of Start 1992
Institutional area 1.50 ha
Farm land 20.0 ha
Administrative building/ block/space 450 M2
Student Hostel for men and Women One, 610 M2
Institutional farm 17.0 ha
Library One unit
Plant Health Clinic and soil testing Lab. One unit
Green House, Polly House, 1500 M2
Orchrard/Agri forestry 1.0 ha
Model Nursery 0.1 ha.
Demonstration unit Two unit-Vermi compost, Azolla and Crop museum (3600 M2)
Rain water harvesting system (Roof area) 700 M2
Automatic Weather Station One unit
Information Kiosk One unit
Farm Power, farm machines and equipment and irrigation infrastructure Tractor-01, Jeep-01 along with trolley, Motor cycle-01 ,Water Harvesting pond-01, Harrow-1, Cultivator-1, Seed drill-1, trailer-1, power sprayer-1, seed grader, Auger, water tanker, tube well-1
Facilities for sports, games, cultural and literary activities Nil
Any other important facility Residential Qtrs (6)- 410 M2 Farm Godown-75 M2 Threshing Floor (two) 510 M2 Implement shed-30 M2
Adoption of ICAR Norms and deviations, if any Yes

Staff of Krishi Vigyan Kendra

S.No. Name Designation
1 Dr. Gopichand Shing Senior Scientist & Head
2 Shri Budharam Subject Matter Specialist (Animal Husbandry)
3 Dr. Hari Ram Choudhary Subject Matter Specialist (Agronomy)
4 Miss Bhawana Sharma Subject Matter Specialist (Home Science)
5 Dr. Kalpana Choudhary Subject Matter Specialist (Horticulture)
6 Miss. Barkha Gupta Program Assistant (Computer)
7 Sh. Manish Jajara Program Assistant (Lab Technicain)
8 Mr. Jitendra Choudhary Driver
9 Mr. Devi Singh Class –IV

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