1. Introduction:
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Maulasar, Nagaur-II is an extension based agricultural institute established by the ICAR, New Delhi in 2012. The district occupies prominent place in the agro-climatic zone-II a, “Transitional Plain of Inland Drainage”. It covers total geographical area of 17,67,631 ha, accounting for 5.18 percent of the total reporting area of the Rajasthan state. The number of 1,610 inhabited villages in the thirteen blocks of the district. The total population of the district is 33.08 lac with 21.20 per cent scheduled castes and 0.3 per cent scheduled tribes. The sex ratio in the district is 950 and density of population is 187 per square km. The population of the Nagaur district is predominantly rural based with 80.7 per cent of the total population living in villages. Literacy rate in is 62.8 per cent which is far below the State average.
The climate of the district is moderate and semi-arid. The maximum and minimum temperature of the district varies between 47o to 0o C. The normal rainfall is 360 mm. The district does not have any river flow throughout the year. Luni River flows in Nagaur district for only 37 kilometers. A large part of the district is vast semi desert plain having shallow to deep and sandy and sandy loam soils low in organic matter and N, Low to medium in P and medium in K. Deficiency of micro nutrients like Zinc, Sulfur and Iron have also started appearing in the district mainly in cash crops. The net sown area of the district is 12,15,515 ha which is 68.8 per cent of the total geographical area as against the State average of 49.9 per cent. The area sown more than once is 2,32,397 ha which is 19 per cent of the net sown area. The total cropped area of the district is 14,18,834 ha. The net irrigated area in the district is 2,77,000 ha which is 22.79 per cent of the net sown area. Wells are the major source of irrigation.
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KVK, Maulasar, Nagaur II building |
Newly established Orchard Unit at KVK, Maulasar Nagaur II |
The crop sequences followed by cultivators are pearl millet-fallow, Kharif pulses-fallow, Kharif pulses-taramira/mustard under rain fed condition whereas Mung bean-cumin/isabgol/mustard, Pearl millet–cumin/isabgol/ mustard/wheat and cotton-cumin/Isabgol, under irrigated conditions. The productivity of Mung bean, moth bean, cluster bean and ground nut are higher in comparison to state average. The district has diversified agriculture scenario with cultivation of number of field crops, vegetables, spices, medicinal crop, orchards and flowers. The total area under fruits and vegetables is more than 11,848 ha with major area under onion in vegetables and pomegranate in fruits. The livestock population of the district is 31.50 lac, out of which cattle is 5.01 lac, buffalo 5.56 lac, sheep 5.85 lac and goat 14.85 lac. Decreasing water table, saline and alkaline soil & underground water, blight & wilt in cumin, gummosis & blight in fennel, leaf curl in chilies, lack of quality planting material, destruction of crops by blue bulls are some major problems of the district.
The KVK is located 120 km away from district head quarter on Maulasar Losal Sikar, 3 km away from Maulasar town. The farm is having land area of 20.16 ha out of which 18.0 ha is cultivated with vocational unit of small model nursery, mother orchard of ber, lime, pomegranate, bael, jamun, caronda, khirani and tamarind, soil water testing laboratory, rain water harvesting farm pond, Azola unit, vermi-compost unit, waste decomposer unit. Besides administrative building, farmers’ hostel and seed storage godown are also available. At present, Senior Scientist and Head along with four SMS (Agronomy, Horticulture, Plant Protection & Home Science), two PA (Lab Technician and Computer Programmer), Farm Manager, Stenographer, one Driver and one Support staff are working at KVK, Maulasar, Nagaur II.
Table 1: Area and Productivity of major crops in Nagaur District in 2015-16 & 2019-20*
Crop |
Season 2015-16 |
Season 2019-20 |
Area |
Productivity (Kg/ha) |
Area |
Productivity (Kg/ha) |
Green gram |
3,81,622 |
511 |
6,52,408 |
626 |
Pearl millet |
3,53,028 |
698 |
3,03692 |
1,019 |
Cluster bean |
1,92,870 |
452 |
1,00,357 |
702 |
Moth bean |
1,21,356 |
312 |
62,590 |
434 |
Cotton |
58,441 |
455 |
55,801 |
476 |
Wheat |
60,279 |
2,658 |
68,017 |
2,834 |
Mustard |
58,569 |
1,208 |
72,103 |
1,193 |
Cumin |
49,645 |
627 |
72,815 |
712 |
Isabgol |
40,046 |
718 |
42,353 |
873 |
Chickpea |
15,588 |
1,230 |
1,30,331 |
1,162 |
*Krishi Vibhag, GOR, Jaipur
2. Training Achievements:
On Campus Trainings: Since last five years KVK Nagaur-II have organized total 78 on campus trainings benefiting 1745 farmers and farm women collectively. The trainings were carried out on topics such as improved cultivation practices of major crop, soil health management, integrated nutrient management, integrated weed management and integrated pest and disease management, nursery management of horticultural crops involved propagation methods of fruit crops and nursery raising of vegetables, improving household food security through nutria-gardens and drudgery reducing technologies.
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On campus training on integrated pest management in groundnut, Date-13-14/ 8/2019, Venue- KVK Maulasar |
On campus training Management of Nutri-garden, Date- 27/02/2020,Venue- KVK Maulasar |
Off Campus Trainings: A total of 2574 farmers and farm women under the jurisdiction of KVK Nagaur-II were covered in 114 off campus trainings. Major aspects of these trainings were crop production technologies, integrated nutrient management, integrated pest management, protected cultivation under low plastic tunnels, nutrition for maternal and child health, drudgery reducing tools etc.
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Off campus training on production technology of Groundnut, Date- 22/06/2019 |
Off campus training on Production technology of Kharif onion, Date- 20/9/2018, Venue- Village: Dabra (Nagaur) |
Sponsored Trainings: From time to time sponsored trainings with financial support from ATMA Nagaur, NHRDF Kota, WDRA New Delhi SC/ST sub planand other line departments, total 21 sponsored training programmes were organized by the KVK with participation of 1053 farmers and farm women during the reported period.
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Training on mushroom cultivation sponsored by SC-ST Sub plan, Date-07/03/2020, Venue-KVK Maulasar |
Training on safe storage of cereals and pulses sponsored by WDRA New Delhi, Date- 28/01/2020 |
Table 2: On Campus, Off Campus and Sponsored agencies trainings organized for farmers
Year |
On Campus Training |
Off Campus Training |
Sponsored Training |
No. |
Participants |
No. |
Participants |
No. |
Participants |
2015-16 |
12 |
333 |
14 |
375 |
08 |
403 |
2016-17 |
10 |
197 |
14 |
283 |
04 |
140 |
2017-18 |
06 |
146 |
11 |
321 |
03 |
254 |
2018-19 |
30 |
568 |
42 |
869 |
03 |
106 |
2019-20 |
20 |
510 |
33 |
726 |
03 |
150 |
Total |
78 |
1754 |
114 |
2574 |
21 |
1053 |
3. Frontline Demonstrations:
a. FLDs on Pulses (NFSM): Total 150 cluster frontline demonstrations on kharif pulses (green gram & moth bean) and 125 demonstrations on Rabi pulses (chickpea) were conducted in which improved varieties, seed & soil treatment, seed rate, spacing, INM, IWM, IPM technologies were demonstrated during last 2 years.
Table 3: Seed yield and economics of FLD laid out at farmers’ fields under NFSM on pulses
Year and No. |
Variety |
Seed yield (q/ha) |
Per cent increase over FP |
Net Return (Rs/ha) |
Add. Net Return over FP |
Site/ Village |
Farmer practice |
Improved Practice |
Farmer practice |
Improved Practice |
Chick Pea |
2018-19 (75) |
GNG-1958 |
13.7 |
18.9 |
37.9 |
46,113 |
66,871 |
20,758 |
Lalas, Kurali and Lichana |
2019-20 (50) |
RSG-974 |
14.5 |
18.9 |
30.7 |
53,637 |
74,138 |
20,501 |
Lichana and Billu |
Moth bean |
2018-19 (25) |
RMo-435 |
04.0 |
05.1 |
26.7 |
3,450 |
6,342 |
2,892 |
Chak-khardiya |
2019-20 (50) |
RMo-257 |
05.3 |
07.0 |
21.1 |
12,054 |
25,456 |
13,402 |
Chak-khardiya and Kharesh |
Green gram |
2018-19 (50) |
GaM-5 |
04.8 |
06.2 |
29.6 |
14,155 |
23,592 |
9,437 |
Dasana khurd and Ladariya |
2019-20 (25) |
GaM-5 |
6.15 |
07.2 |
17.9 |
20,818 |
28,371 |
7,553 |
Ladariya |
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CFLD of Chickpea, Date-19/12/2019, Venue- Village: Lichana (Nagaur) |
Field day on Green gram, Date-07/09/2019, Venue- Village: Ladriya (Nagaur) |
b. FLDs on Oilseeds (NFSM): Total 250 cluster frontline demonstration on Kharif oilseeds (groundnut & sesame) and 375 demonstrations on Rabi oilseeds (mustard) were conducted during last 5 years in which improved varieties, seed & soil treatment, seed rate, spacing, INM, IWM, IPM technologies were demonstrated.
Table 4: Seed yield and economics of FLD laid out at farmers’ fields under NFSM on oilseeds
Year and No. |
Variety |
Seed yield (q/ha) |
Per cent increase over FP |
Net Return (Rs/ha) |
Add. Net Return over FP |
Site/Village |
Farmer practice |
Improved Practice |
Farmer practice |
Improved Practice |
Groundnut |
2018-19 (50) |
---- |
18.5 |
23.1 |
25.1 |
40,750 |
58,567 |
17,817 |
Chitawa and Nangwara |
2019-20 (75) |
HNG-123 |
21.5 |
24.7 |
14.9 |
58,885 |
74,447 |
15,562 |
Gogor, Nalot and Nangwara |
Sesame |
2018-19 (50) |
RT-351 |
03.6 |
04.9 |
37.2 |
6,300 |
11,933 |
5,633 |
Nimba ka bas and Todas |
2019-20 (75) |
RT-351 |
03.5 |
04.6 |
29.4 |
6,198 |
12,019 |
5,821 |
Beri kalan, Nimba ka bas and Todas |
Mustard | ||||||||
2018-19 (75) |
14.0 |
19.1 |
36.4 |
41,300 |
55,955 |
14,655 |
Adaksar, Bawadi and Bheelal |
2019-20 (300) |
14.3 |
18.0 |
26.4 |
44,325 |
59,381 |
15,056 |
Adaksar, Bacchhwari, Bardwa, Bedwa, Bhawata, Daulatpura, Deep pura, Gelasar, Gogor, Kurali, Ladariya, Maulasar and Rashidpura |
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Field day on Mustard, Date- 20/12/2019,Venue- Village: Bedwa (Nagaur) |
Field day on Groundnut, Date- 05/10/2019, Venue-Village: Nalot (Nagaur) |
c. FLDs (Other Crops): To demonstrate performance of high yielding/improved varieties of pearl millet, green gram, cluster bean, wheat, mustard, chickpea, frontline demonstrations were conducted on farmer’s field. Frontline demonstrations on pest and disease management also conducted to enhance the crop productivity. FLD on Kharif onion saves people from the sting of inflation when its prices skyrocket. Off season cultivation of bottle gourd fetches more prices in comparison of its seasonal (summer and rainy season) cultivation.
Table 5: Seed yield and economics of FLD on cereals, pulses, oilseeds and other crops laid out at farmers’ fields
Year and No. |
Variety |
Seed yield (q/ha) |
Per cent increase over FP |
Net Return (Rs/ha) |
Add. Net Return over FP |
Site/ Village |
Farmer practice |
Improved Practice |
Farmer practice |
Improved Practice |
Green gram |
2015-16 (40) |
GM-4 |
04.6 |
05.8 |
25.2 |
25,100 |
38,500 |
13,400 |
Shiv |
2016-17 (20) |
IPM-02-3 |
5.20 |
06.1 |
17.9 |
18,700 |
24,000 |
5,300 |
Chhapri, Prempura and Pabupura |
2019-20 (10) |
GAM-5 |
04.7 |
06.3 |
35.1 |
12,285 |
21,667 |
9,382 |
Dakipura |
Cluster bean |
2015-16 (35 |
RGC-1066 |
05.8 |
07.2 |
24.1 |
19,140 |
23,500 |
4,360 |
Bakawas, Barwala, Charanwas, Chawandiya, Dasana khurd, Dhankoli and Jiliya |
2016-17 (20) |
RGC-1038 |
06.2 |
07.5 |
21.0 |
21,080 |
25,000 |
3,920 |
Chawandiya, Dasana khurd, Maulasar and Pabupura |
2017-18 (10) |
RGC-1038 |
5.62 |
06.5 |
16.5 |
39,920 |
49,000 |
9,080 |
Dabada, Koliya, Nuwa and Sudarsan |
2018-19 (25) |
RGC-1038 |
07.4 |
09.6 |
29.7 |
12,800 |
20,900 |
8,100 |
Dabada |
2019-20 (25) |
RGC-1033 |
07.7 |
09.2 |
19.5 |
25,520 |
32,474 |
6,954 |
Dabada |
Pearl millet |
2015-16 (9) |
RHB-177 |
19.4 |
24.2 |
24.7 |
42,250 |
53,700 |
11,450 |
Barwala, Bhadasar, Chawandiya, Dabada, Ladariya and Maulasar |
2018-19 (25) |
MPMH-17 |
13.3 |
15.7 |
18.4 |
30,362 |
35,647 |
5,285 |
Maulasar |
2019-20 (25) |
MPMH-17 |
21.5 |
26.5 |
23.4 |
51,860 |
64,994 |
13,134 |
Bedwa |
Kharif onion, Tomato, Groundnut, Bottle gourd |
2018-19 (10) |
Agrifound Dark Red |
245 |
298 |
21.6 |
85,800 |
1,40,883 |
55,083 |
Bedwa, Dabada, Maulasar and Rashidpura |
Arka Rakshak |
175 |
216 |
23.2 |
1,66,700 |
2,12,750 |
46,050 |
Bawadi, Bhadaliya, Maulasar and Rashidpura |
Rashdar Anand |
18.6 |
23.0 |
23.6 |
53,324 |
71,044 |
17,720 |
Bedwa and Nangwada |
Pusa Navin |
200 |
265 |
32.5 |
69,900 |
2,17,500 |
1,47,600 |
Asalsar and Dhankoli |
Table 6: Seed yield and economics of FLD on cereals, pulses, oilseeds and other crops laid out at farmers’ fields
Year and No. |
Variety |
Seed yield (q/ha) |
Per cent increase over FP |
Net Return (Rs/ha) |
Add. Net Return over FP |
Site/ Village |
Farmer practice |
Improved Practice |
Farmer practice |
Improved Practice |
Chick pea |
2015-16 (30) |
GNG-1581 |
12.0 |
14.3 |
19.0 |
26,350 |
42,200 |
15,850 |
Asalsar, Badi beri, Barwala, Chitawa, Dasana, Dhankoli, Chawandiya, Maulasar, Nangwara, Payali, |
2016-17 (30) |
GNG-1581 |
13.0 |
15.8 |
21.2 |
30,000 |
50,560 |
20,560 |
Gogor, Lichana |
Mustard |
2015-16 (40) |
14.0 |
16.7 |
19.1 |
10,900 |
21,130 |
10,230 |
Asalsar, Basa, Barwada, Beri kalan and Maulasar |
2016-17 (41) |
PM-26, NRCHB-101 |
16.0 |
17.6 |
10.2 |
32,800 |
39,000 |
6,200 |
Dasana, Dabada, Dhankoli, Jharod, Maulasar, Phagoriya ki dhani and Raitheliya |
2017-18 (27) |
NRCHB-101 |
15.5 |
17.5 |
13.0 |
35,000 |
43,000 |
8,000 |
Bheelal and Chitawa |
2018-19 (10) |
Giriraj |
14.0 |
19.0 |
35.7 |
26,500 |
34,925 |
8,425 |
Maulasar |
Wheat |
2015-16 (25) |
KRL-213, Raj-4083 |
28.6 |
34.2 |
19.6 |
34,320 |
40,800 |
6,480 |
Bhawanipura, Bhopji ka bas, Dabada, Khakholi and Khedi khinvsingh |
2016-17 (25) |
Raj-4083 |
30.5 |
37.1 |
21.7 |
37,100 |
53,300 |
16,200 |
Bawadi and Dhankoli |
2018-19 (25) |
GJW-11 |
31.0 |
36.1 |
16.1 |
70,540 |
77,981 |
7,441 |
Dhankoli |
Barley |
2015-16 (34) |
RD-2715 |
28.9 |
34.5 |
19.4 |
36,125 |
43,000 |
6,875 |
Jhalara, Kharesh, Raitheliya, Tarpura, Thebadi and Toshina |
2016-17 (30) |
RD-2715 |
30.8 |
37.2 |
20.7 |
38,800 |
48,900 |
10,100 |
Bedwa and Maulasar |
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Field day on Kharif onion, Date-15/12/2018, Venue- Village: Berwa (Nagaur) |
Layout of Nutri-garden at Farm women’s home, Date- 26/11/2018,Venue-Village: Dabda (Nagaur) |
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FLD on Wheat var. Raj 4083, Date- 14/03/2016, Rabi 2015-16, Venue- Village: Bhop ji ka bass ( Toshina), Nagaur |
FLD on high yielding variety of barley, Date- 28/02/2020,Venue-Village: Bedwa (Nagaur) |
4. On Farm Trials:
Title: Effect of high yielding variety on barley productivity.
Result: Grain yield of barley was 20 per cent higher in RD-2786 variety (51.8 q/ha) with B:C ratio (3.71) as compared to local check (43 q/ha & 3.22, respectively).
Title: Effect of mulching on productivity of chilli crop.
Result: Yield was increased up to 18.5 per cent due to reduced evaporation, water runoff, soil compaction, erosion and weed number.
5. Villages Adopted and Activities carried out in the village:
Under doubling farmer income (DFI) two villages Bedwa and Ladariya of Didwana block were adopted after conducting bench mark survey. Main occupation of major population is agriculture involving animal husbandry and horticulture. The soil type of the adopted villages is sandy loam with limited irrigation facilities. Major cropping systems of the adopted villages are Pearl millet/Cluster bean/Green gram-Wheat/Barley/Mustard/Fenugreek.
In adopted villages total 6 off campus trainings, 110 frontline demonstrations, 20 on farm trials, 3 field days and 9 field visits were organized. Swacchhta Action Plan (SAP) was implemented in adopted village Bedwa in which vermicompost beds were constructed and waste decomposer organic unit was demonstrated. The yield under CFLDs, OFTs and other activities was increased smoothly which resulted in enhancement of farmers income and living standard.
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Field day on barley in adopted village, Date-14/02/2019, Venue- Village: Bedwa (Nagaur) |
Off campus training on drudgery reducing implements, Date- 20/12/2019 Venue-Village: Ladriya (Nagaur) |
6. Seed Production: Total 286.73 q seed was produced at KVK Farms.
Table 7: Seed Production at KVK, Maulasar instructional farm
Year |
Crops |
Variety |
Quantity (q) |
2015-16 |
Cluster bean, Green gram |
RGC 1066, RGC 1038, GM 4 |
1.0,15.0,4.0 |
2016-17 |
Cluster bean, Green gram |
RGC 1038, GM 4 |
17.0, 20.0 |
2017-18 |
Sesame, Cluster bean, Green gram |
RT 351, RGC 1038, MH 421, GaM 5 |
1.4,8.0, 25.0,25.0 |
2018-19 |
Sesame, Pearl millet , Green gram |
RT 351, MPMH 17, MH 421, GaM 5 |
4.58,27.63,8.65,20.30 |
2019-20 |
Sesame, Cluster bean, Green gram |
RT 351, RGC 1033, MH 421, GaM 6 |
05.66, 51.57, 22.93, 29.04 |
Total |
286.73 |
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Seed production of cluster bean var. RGC-1033 |
Seed production of green gram var. GM-4 |
7. Special National level programmes:
Nutri Sensitive Agricultural Resources and Innovations (NARI): Under this programme various trainings, gosthies, demonstration are being carried out in the adopted village Dabda since 2018 onward for establishment and promotion of nutrition related technologies such as Nutri-garden and Nutri thali.
Medical Health Camp under NARI: A health camp was organized at adopted village Dabda, Tehsil-Didwana for monitoring hemoglobin levels and general medical checkup of rural women and adolescent girls with the participation of total 117 rural women along with 10 Government personnel from line departments including Doctors, ANMs, Anganwadi workers, and Nurses.
Swachhtta Pakhwada: With the aim to promote sanitation and cleanliness, KVK Maulasar organizes swachhta pakhwada twice a year in October and in December as directed by DEE, AU Jodhpur & ATARI, Jodhpur. So far around 20 villages under the jurisdiction of the KVK have been covered under this drive since last two years.
DAESI: KVK Nagaur-II has successfully completed first batch of 40 input dealers under Diploma in Agricultural Extension Services for Input dealers (DAESI) programme in the year 2018-19.
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DAESI programme organized, Date-06/01/2019 to 23/12/2019, Venue- KVK, Nagaur II |
Parthenium Awareness Week: With the objective to create awareness among the farmers about disadvantages of Parthenium weed and its management, the Parthenium awareness week is celebrated from 16 to 22 August every year.
Productivity Week: Different new & effective technologies to enhance the productivity of agricultural crops are discussed with farmers of different villages by trainings, kisan goshties etc from 12th Feb 2019 to 18th Feb 2019.
Fertilizer Awareness Campaign: With the objective to aware the farmers for balanced & judicious use of fertilizers, soil & water testing ‘Fertilizer Awareness Campaign’ was organized on 7th -8th June 2016 in Maulasar which was attended by 150 participants.
World Soil Health Day: World soil health day on every year dated 5th December was celebrated with farmers & farm women. The farmers are benefited by participating in this event by getting knowledge about soil testing, integrated nutrient management and organic manure preparation methods.
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World Soil Health Day, Date- 05/12/2019,Venue- KVK Maulasar |
International Women’s Day, Date- 8/03/2020, Venue- Village: Nimod (Nagaur) |
8. Kisan Mela:
Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Under the aegis of Ministry of Jalshakti, GOI, a kisan mela was organized at KVK premises with farmers and other stakeholders for generating awareness on water conservation and rain water harvesting on 03rd September 2019. Sh. Shyamal Mishra, Joint Secretary, GOI and Sh. Jawahar Lal Choudhary, CEO, ZP, Nagaur were the Chairman and Chief guest of the occasion. An exhibition on water conservation models & water slogans was carried out and publication on water conservation was distributed among the farmers, dealers & students. A total of 867 people participated in the event.
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Jal Shakti Abhiyan Mela, Date- 03/09/2019, Venue-KVK Maulasar |
9. Other activities of KVK:
Year |
Field Days |
Exhibitions |
Advisory Services |
Film Shows |
Diagnostic Visits |
Farmer Scientist Interactions |
2015-16 |
03 |
03 |
35 |
13 |
05 |
02 |
2016-17 |
05 |
04 |
124 |
04 |
07 |
04 |
2017-18 |
03 |
08 |
295 |
12 |
06 |
03 |
2018-19 |
18 |
03 |
23 |
02 |
11 |
05 |
2019-20 |
22 |
04 |
50 |
06 |
15 |
03 |
Total |
51 |
22 |
527 |
37 |
44 |
17 |
10. Publications:
Year |
Extension Manuals |
Booklets |
Popular Articles |
Research Papers |
Pamphlets |
Leaflets |
2015-16 |
- |
- |
03 |
- |
01 |
03 |
2016-17 |
01 |
- |
03 |
- |
03 |
07 |
2017-18 |
01 |
- |
02 |
- |
02 |
03 |
2018-19 |
01 |
01 |
28 |
02 |
09 |
07 |
2019-20 |
02 |
09 |
18 |
06 |
08 |
07 |
Total |
05 |
10 |
54 |
08 |
23 |
27 |
11. Five Major Revolutions:
14. Other Significant Achievements:
Raj Bhawan | ICAR | BARC | Govt. of Rajasthan | UGC |
AICTE | IMD Pune | NAD | राजभवन | ICAR |
राजस्थान सरकार | UGC | AICTE | आईएमडी पुणे | NAD |