Krishi Vigyan Kendra Phalodi Jodhpur - II

KVK Phalodi  Agriculture University, Jodhpur

Krishi Vigyan Kendra Jodhpur II was established on 12 April, 2012 under the administrative control of SKRAU, Bikaner. With University area bifurcation, KVK Jodhpur II has comes under jurisdiction of Agriculture University, Jodhpur with effect from 14 September, 2013. KVK is innovative institute for transfer of front line technologies pertaining to agriculture and allied sectors on the principles of “Seeing is believing and learning by Doing”. KVK Jodhpur II is located in Phalodi Tehsil of Jodhpur district on Mohra village road.

Major Achievements of Krishi Vigyan Kendra Phalodi Jodhpur - II (2015-16 to 2020-21)

Year of Start 2012(sanctioned on 31st March 12)
Institutional area Construction work of Administrative building along with farmer hostel is completed
Farm land 19.7 ha
Farm Power, farm machines and  equipment and  irrigation infrastructure Tractor-01, Bolero jeep-1 along with trolley, Disc plough-1, Cultivator 1, Harrow-1, Levellar-1
Any  other important facility KVK was sanctioned in March 2012 and funds for infra-structure development will be released in fin. Year 2016-17 by ICAR New Delhi as per the information from Director, ATARI Jodhpur. 
Adoption of ICAR Norms and deviations, if any Yes

Staff of Krishi Vigyan Kendra

S.No. Name Designation
1 Dr. Shri Kishan Bairwa, Senior Scientist & Head
2 Dr. Priyanka Katara Subject Matter Specialist (Horticulture)
3 Ms. Priyanka Kayath Subject Matter Specialist (Animal Science)
4 Dr. Gajanand Nagal Subject Matter Specialist (Plant Protection)
5 Mr. Bhagchand Ola Program Assistant (Lab Technicain)
6 Dr. Sunita Chaudhary Farm Manager
7 Sh. Sarvesh Joshi Stenographer Grade-III
8 Shri Bhoma Ram Driver
9 Mr. Sawai Singh Bhati Driver
10 Sh. Ummed Singh Class –IV

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Last Updated on : 26-03-2025
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