Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sirohi is an extension based grass root level institute established on 1989 by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research under the auspices of Agriculture University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, to promote farmers for adoption of latest technical know-how in agriculture and allied fields. It aims sustainable growth in productivity and income of agriculture by bridging the time lag between technology generation at the research institution and its transfer to the farmer’s field. KVK has multidisciplinary team of subject matter specialists, who work enthusiastically in missionary spirit for imparting skill oriented vocational trainings for farmers, farm women, rural youth & extension functionaries to update them with latest and proven agricultural research. It also involves in assessment of locally specific technologies and acting as feedback mechanism for research work.
- KVK is situated at Ambeshwar temple, Sirohi on Pali road 8 km away from District Headquarter and linked with National Highway 14.

Operational area of KVK Sirohi is as showing in the above map.
To implement the mandate effectively, the following activities are envisaged
- On-farm testing to assess the location specificity of agricultural technologies under various farming systems.
- Front-line demonstrations to establish production potential of technologies on the farmers’ fields.
- Capacity development of farmers and extension personnel to update their knowledge and skills on modern agricultural technologies.
- To work as Knowledge and Resource Centre of agricultural technologies for supporting initiatives of public, private and voluntary sector in improving the agricultural economy of the district.
- Provide farm advisories using ICT and other media means on varied subjects of interest to farmers
- In addition, KVKs produce quality technological products (seed, planting material, bio-agents, livestock) and make it available to farmers, organize frontline extension activities, identify and document selected farm innovations and converge with ongoing schemes and programs within the mandate of KVK.
Thrust Area
- To increase the productivity of commercial crops viz. castor, cotton, fennel and mustard.
- Promotion of dual-purpose breed of goat (Sirohi) and improvement in local breed of cow and buffaloes through scientific breeding, Artificial Insemination (AI), feeding and management.
- Promotion of dry land farming technologies in watershed areas of the district.
- Diversification of existing cropping pattern by expanding area under horticulture like mango, papaya, lime and ber in fruits, tomato and chillies in vegetables, fennel and cumin in spices.
- Introduction to drudgery reducing measures in agriculture and animal husbandry activities especially for women.
- Improvement in health, hygiene and nutrition status of rural families and formation of Self Help Groups.
- Organize vocational training’s for rural youths on dairy management, cutting and tailoring, nursery raising and Repair and maintenance of pump set, diesel engine and tractor etc.
- Overall development of tribal farmers.
Year of Start |
1989 |
Institutional area |
1.10 ha |
Farm land |
34.0 ha |
Administrative building/ block/space |
375 M2 |
Student Hostel for men and Women |
One, 330 M2 |
Institutional farm |
12.0 ha |
Library |
One unit |
Plant Health Clinic and soil testing Lab. |
One unit |
Green House, Polly House, |
2500 M2 |
Orchrard/Agri forestry |
1.4 ha |
Model Nursery |
2500 M2(Mother orchard of lime) |
Demonstration unit |
0.6 ha |
Rain water harvesting system (Roof area) |
375 M2 |
Automatic Weather Station |
One unit |
Information Kiosk |
One unit |
Farm Power, farm machines and equipment and irrigation infrastructure |
Tractor, Harrow, Cultivator, Bolero jeep-1 along with trolly, MB plough-1, Seed drill-1, Motorcycle-2, power sprayer-1, tube well- two |
Facilities for sports, games, cultural and literary activities |
Volleyball ground in staff colony |
Any other important facility |
Residential Qtrs (6) –400 M2, Godown-100 M2, Threshing Floor 500 M2 ,Water pond-1, Goat Unit in 50 M2, 38 goats |
Adoption of ICAR Norms and deviations, if any |
Yes |
Staff of Krishi Vigyan Kendra
S.No. |
Name |
Designation |
1 |
Dr. R. S. Choudhary |
Senior Scientist & Head |
2 |
Dr. Ankita Sharma |
Subject Matter Specialist (Home Science) |
3 |
Dr. Sonika Sharma |
Subject Matter Specialist (Extension Education) |
4 |
Ms. Kamini Parashar |
Subject Matter Specialist (Horticulture) |
5 |
Dr. Ravindra Pratap Singh Jetawat |
Subject Matter Specialist (Plant Protection) |
6 |
Dr. Hari Singh |
Farm Manager |
7 |
Shri Bhanwar lal Choudhary |
Program Assistant (Lab Technicain) |
8 |
Shri Akash Khatri |
Stenographer Grade-III |
9 |
Shri Vijayram Balai |
Driver |
10 |
Sh. Narayan Singh |
Class –IV |