The Krishi Vigyan Kendra is a District Level Farm Science Center established by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi at Gudamalani in Barmer district of Rajasthan for speedy transfer of technology to the farmers’ fields. The operational area of this KVK comes under the western arid zone Ia of Rajasthan. The aim of KVK Gudamalani Barmer II is to reduce the time lag between generation of technology at the research institutions and its transfer to the farmer's field for increasing production, productivity and income from the agriculture and allied sectors on a sustained basis. In order to achieve this goal, four mandates have been envisaged in the design of the KVK Gudamalani Barmer II.
- Aims and Objectives :
- To organize short and long term training course for increasing farm production and to improve farm life and living.
- To develop a programme of outreach into remote areas, to identify marginal and small farmers and trained them through work experience on the demonstration units of KVK.
- To initiate the trainees into agricultural know-how considering them needs and constraints of the villages in the areas of:
- Crop, fruit and vegetable farming
- Development of allied agriculture production activity-poultry, dairying and goat rearing.
- Initiating group approach (SHG,s) among the farmer’s for their livelihood development .
- Developing the entrepreneurial skills among the rural peoples through different income generation activities.
- To develop training programme for women to enhance their skill and integrate their effort with the other members of the family towards increasing farm production and income generation.
- To link the training with follow up programmes, to measure and monitor the actual impact of training in terms of improvement in agricultural and allied production activities through built in inter disciplinary approach.
- Mandates :
- Conducting on-farm testing to identify the location specifie agricultural technologies under various farming systems.
- Organization of frontline demonstrations for introducing new technologies of various crops and farm enterprises on the farmers’ fields.
- Organization of need based training for farmers to update their knowledge and skills related to technology assessment, refinement and demonstration and training of extension personnel to orient them in the frontier areas of technology development.
- Creating awareness about improved technologies to larger masses through appropriate extension programmes.
- Production and supply of good quality seeds and planting materials, livestock, poultry and fisheries breeds and products and various bio-products to the farming community.
- Work as resource and knowledge centre of agricultural technology for supporting initiatives of public, private and voluntary sector for improving the agricultural economy of the District.
- Thrust Areas :
- To increase the productivity of crops like Castor, Pearl Millet(Bajra), Sesame, Greengram, Cumin, Isabgol, Mustard, Mothbean and Clusterbean.
- Popularization of IPM, INM, IWM technologies in Kharif and Rabi crops.
- Introduction to drudgery reducing measures in agriculture and animal husbandry activities especially for women through improvement in health, hygiene and nutrition status of rural families and formation of Self Help Groups.
- Organization of vocational training’s for rural youths on dairy management, cutting and tailoring, nursery raising and repair and maintenance of pump set, diesel engine and tractor etc.
- Diversification of existing cropping pattern by expanding area under horticulture.
- Improvement in local breeds of cow, buffaloes and other farm animals through scientific breeding, AI, feeding and management.
- Dissemination of Hi-tech production technology of horticulture crops including emphasis on micro irrigation and protected cultivation technology.
- To promote the organic farming in cumin and isabgol.
Year of Start |
2012 (sanctioned on 31st March 12) |
Farm land |
20.0 ha |
Farm Power, farm machines and equipment and irrigation infrastructure |
Tractor-01, Bolero jeep-1 along with trolley, Disc plough-1,
Cultivator 1,
Levellar-1 |
Adoption of ICAR Norms and deviations, if any |
No deviation, adopting ICAR Norm completely. |
Staff of Krishi Vigyan Kendra
S.No. |
Name |
Designation |
1 |
Dr. Babu Lal Meena |
Senior Scientist & Head |
2 |
Dr. Vikas Kumar |
Subject Matter Specialist (Agriculture Extension) |
3 |
Dr. Geetesh Mishra |
Subject Matter Specialist (Animal Husbandry) |
4 |
Dr. Babu Lal Jat |
Subject Matter Specialist (Plant Protection) |
5 |
Shri Piyush Taparia |
Personal Assistant |
6 |
Sh. Ganga Ram Mali |
Program Assistant (Lab Technicain) |
7 |
Er. Rajkamal Dagar |
Program Assistant (Computer) |
8 |
Shri Turfan Khan |
Farm Manager |
9 |
Sh. Hanuta Ram |
Driver |