Directorate of Student Welfare

Dr. S.R. Kumawat , Director Student's Welfare - Directorate of Student Welfare

Born on 1st July 1969 at Macharkhani, Jobner, Jaipur. Dr Kumawat obtained his B.Sc. Agriculture (1991), M.Sc. Extension Education (1994) and Ph.D. Extension Education (2000) from SKN Collage of Agriculture Jobner under SKRAU, Bikaner.  Dr. Kumawat started his career as Technical Assistant in 1997 from ARS Sri Ganganagar and also worked at DEE, SKRAU, Bikaner from 2001 to 2005.  He served as Assistant Professor Extension Education (2005- 2013) at KVK Keshwana Jalore and (2013- 2018) at KVK Nagaur. He also takes additional Charge of Programme Coordinator KVK Jalore (2007-2013), OSD and Principal of Institute of Diploma in Agriculture Ladnun, Nagaur (2013-2016) and Senior Scientist and Head of KVK Nagaur (2016-2018). Dr Kumawat was promoted as Associated Professor in 2017 and Professor (Extension Education) in 2020 and posted as Associate professor (Extension Education) at Directorate of Extension AU Jodhpur (2018), Senior Scientist and Head at KVK Sirohi (2019) and at KVK Phalodi (2019-2022). He designs course content and regulation for Agriculture Diploma of three years (Six semester) duration, first time in Rajasthan (2013). He taught extension education courses at COA Nagaur, COA Mandor and COA Baytu (2016-2022). He organize as coordinator 09 district level farmers fair at KVK Jalore, Nagaur, Sirohi and Phalodi with participation of more than 1500 farmers & farm women in each fair and deliver 23 radio talks & TV talks. He conducted 607 trainings for farmers & farm women, 37 trainings for extension worker, 16 vocational training for rural youth (Nursery worker and Vermi-compost producer, Pasujankar, retail fertilizer dealers, ladies tailors etc.) and thirteen skill oriented trainings for farmers friends (Pera extension worker)  to infuse the concept of agriculture & horticulture in rural areas for diversifying the farming system for socio-economic security. He establish 16 demonstration units at various KVKs on fruit orchards, fruit cafeteria, Model Nursery, Rain water harvesting unit, Roof water harvesting unit, Crop Museum, Water softener, IFS Model, Crop Cafeteria, Ber and lime orchard etc.  He has published more than 120 publications including research papers, book chapters, books, popular articles, abstracts, folder, and bulletins. Dr Kumawat was facilitated as Best KVK Scientist award (2019) by Indian Society of Extension Education, New Delhi.

The environment and the people around a person leave a great impact on his/her development. The University, therefore, tries to provide its students an excellent academic environment along with good sports and cultural exposure which provide concentration in study to students. Best company of fellow students selected through a competitive entrance examination leaves lasting impact on the student. The University ensures a balanced development of mind and body faculties of each student to make him a complete being. Sports & Games are places where students exchange their views and motivate themselves for taking positive energy. Keeping in view the above, University has created a Directorate of Students’ Welfare with the aim to plan and organize the co-curricular activities for the students at the University and College level. The main objectives of the Directorate are to coordinate different activities of Sports, Literary, Cultural, Moral Education, and Placement & Counseling etc. to facilitate the overall personality development and to inculcate the basic values amongst the young students of the University to groom them as a Good Citizen of the Nation. The Directorate is also supervising the Students’ Union activities to allow them to work in a democratic setup to solve the genuine problems of the students and to bridge the gap between the students and the University administration.
The faculties and administration of the University seek at all times to impress upon the students the fact that moral and spiritual bases are the cornerstones for the development of character and good citizenship. A student is expected to remain disciplined under all circumstances, show respect for the rights of others, and reflect a sense of personal honour as demanded of good citizens. The overall standard of student discipline in the University is of high order. The academic schedule are regular. Extra-curricular and sports program have seen active participation of students.


Director Student's Welfare shall have the following duties: -

  1. to make arrangements and supervise management of students' hostel, cafeteria and mess;
  2. to plan and organize students' extra-curricular activities such as sports, cultural and other recreational activities of the University;
  3. to plan and direct the programmes of students' advisement and counselling and to enlist the cooperation of prospective employers and employment agencies to assist in the placement of students of the University and to promote discipline amongst the students of the University;
  4. to supervise and control medical and health services and other welfare measures in the University; and
  5. to make arrangements for scholarships, stipends, part time employment and travel facilities for the study tour of the students.


The Director Student’s Welfare shall be directly responsible to the Vice-Chancellor and shall be responsible to maintain general discipline amongst the students in the University and shall have the following duties in addition to content chapter-IV section 29 (7) of the Act:

  1. To make arrangements for the housing and mess of students.
  2. To arrange programme of student counseling.
  3. To arrange for the part-time employment of students in accordance with the plan approved by the Vice-Chancellor.
  4. To assist in the placement of students of the University and arrange campus interviews.
  5. To obtain travel facilities for holidays, study tours of students, etc.
  6. To communicate the guardian of students concerning their welfare
  7. To exercise general control and supervision on the physical education programme and other co-curricular activities of the students.
  8. To make arrangements for scholarships, stipends and such other financial assistance to the students.
  9. With respect to the employees working under him/her, exercise powers of drawing, disbursing and countersigning T.A. bills, sanction of leaves and disciplinary action.
  10. To take all such steps as he/she thinks necessary to curb the menace of ragging on the campuses.
  11. To take all steps as he/she thinks necessary to maintain peace and harmony among the students.
  12. To take all such steps as may be necessary for better information exchange among the campuses regarding student affairs.
  13. To conduct student elections as per the directions received from the University.
  14. To perform such other duties as may be entrusted to him from time to time by the Vice-Chancellor

Staff of Directorate of Student Welfare

S.No. Name Designation
1 Dr. S.R. Kumawat Director Student's Welfare
2 Dr. Abhitej Singh Shekhawat Assistant Professor (Soil Science)
3 Shri Yugal Kishore Sharma Clerk Grade –II

S.No. Name Period
1. Dr. R.S. Chawra 18-10-2013 to 31-03-2014
2. Dr. B. S. Rathore 01-04-2014 to 01-08-2017
3. Dr. Ishwar Singh 01-08-2017 to 06-09-2019
4. Dr. V. S. Jaitawat 06-09-2019 to 15-01-2024
5. Dr. J. R. Verma 15-01-2024 to 04-08-2024
6. Dr. S.R. Kumawat 05-08-2024 to till date

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