Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bamanwara (Jalore-II) was established in January 2022 by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research under the administrative control of Agriculture University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, it is situated on Raniwara-Mandar state Highway Assessment of location-specific technology modules in agriculture and allied enterprises through technology assessment and demonstrations. This station supports the rural farmers by transferring new technologies to them and hence promoting scientific and technological aspects and the associated skills and procedures to wider society and the marketplace. The main function is to undertake vocational training and on-farm testing of the technologies.
Contact Details:
Telephone: 02990-294322
Staff of Krishi Vigyan Kendra
S.No. |
Name |
Designation |
1 |
Dr. Mohan Lal Tetarwal |
Senior Scientist & Head |
2 |
Dr. P.C. Yadav |
Subject Matter Specialist (Plant Protection) |
3 |
Shri Ashok Singh |
Program Assistant (Lab Technicain) |
4 |
Shri Rohit Sarvate |
Program Assistant (Computer) |
5 |
Shri Bhawani Singh |
Stenographer Grade-III |
6 |
Shri Harish Kumar |
Driver |